24 hrs. or 48 hrs. on Strike ??? Keep checking this Site !!

Brothers & Sisters,

The support on our picket lines has been phenomenal !! It proves how strong our Local is.
There is the possibility that our Local may be called upon to do another 24 hours. Hamilton Local has been out for 2 days now as was Ottawa.
I am waiting to hear from National. I may not hear till later in the evening if we are doing 24 or 48 hrs.
I ask that you please keep checking this site and our website at www.cupw560.ca for all updates.
Any new information will be posted on both sites.

For those members who are picketing at the Waterloo, Galt, Preston, Retail and Elmira locations…if by chance we get the call from National to remain out another 24 hours we would be more than happy for you to come and support the picketing line at the Kitchener Mail Processing Plant at 70 Trillium Dr. in Kitchener. We would request that you a attempt to picket at the same time as your normal location.

A Full Picket Line is a Strong Picket Line !!

Brother Steve Hinschberger