C & D 2018-2019 Annual Leave Calendars and Rules

On Wednesday Nov 22nd. after constant delays by CPC the Local finally had consultation with Canada Post with regards to the 2018-2019 Annual Leave selection for the members of the Collection and Delivery section ( which includes KDC, Waterloo, Galt and Preston) in both Group 1( PO4’s ) and Group 2 ( Letter Carriers). Attached you will find the rules that apply to both the Group 1 and the Group 2 classifications. You will also find attached the Annual Leave Calendars for each Depot. The bidding is suppose to commence on Monday Nov. 27th/17. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Shop Steward or the Union Office at 519-895-2655[gview file=”https://www.cupw560.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/C-D-2018-2019-Annual-Leave-Calendars-and-Rules.pdf”]