Dear Sisters and Brothers. June 7, 2017
Please review the information below regarding the carryover and payout processes under our new URBAN collective agreement. This can be found in Art.20.04 on Pg.160 in the DRAFT collective agreement.
“(new1) For the period between January 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017, a full-time employee will be allocated five (5) Personal Days, expressed in hours, on January 1, 2017.”
We received 5 days on Jan.1 the maximum carryover was 5 days.
“(new2) For the period between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018, a full-time employee will be allocated five and one half (5.5) Personal Days, expressed in hours, on July 1, 2017.”
We will receive 5.5 more days in July 1. Again, the maximum carry over is 5 days
“Effective January 1, 2017, on each June 30, an employee shall automatically have all remaining Personal Days paid out unless, on written request, as per the rules set out by the Corporation, he or she elects to carry over to the next period of July 1 to June 30 up to a maximum of five (5) unused Personal Days.”
You must inform CPC, in writing, if you wish to have your maximum days carried over. You may do so prior to June 1 by going online at the CPCmysite and go to the “personal day carryover tool” for directions. Between July 1 and July 14 you can go to CPCmysite to see exactly how many days you have and opt to carry some or up to 5 days to carryover. After July 14 no more options will be available.
“*(b) An employee may not have more than twelve (12) Personal Days at any one time”
Once we get past the 18 month transition period for personal day allotments ending June 30,2018, we will once again be getting a full 7 days every July 1st and be able to carry over 5 for a total of 12 days.
Please review the information below regarding the carryover and payout processes under our new collective agreement. This can be found in Art.36.04 on Pg.79 in the RSMC DRAFT collective agreement.
“(b) For the period between January 1 and June 30, 2017, each employee shall receive a maximum of five (5) Personal Days on January 1, 2017.”
We received 5 days on Jan.1 the maximum carryover was 5 days.
“(c) For the period between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018, each employee
shall receive a maximum of five (5) Personal Days on July 1, 2017.”
We will receive 5 more days in July 1. the maximum carry over is 5 days
“(d) Employees who receive Personal Days on July 1 2017, shall be paid the equivalent of half (0.5) of a Personal Day. The aforementioned payment shall occur no later than
September 30, 2018 and the calculation shall be in accordance with the practices relating to the payout of prorated Personal Days”
CPC will pay out this half day because Personal Days can only be taken in full day portions
“(i) for route holders, the activity component and the variable allowance of the route held
as of the last day of the fiscal year for each remaining Personal Day;”
The next two articles explain the amount of money that these days will be paid.
“(ii) for permanent relief employees, the amount of sixty dollars ($60.00) for each remaining Personal Day.
(i) An employee may not have more than twelve (12) Personal Days at
any one time.”
Once we get past the 18 month transition for personal day allotments ending June 30,2018, we will once again be getting a full 7 days every July 1st and be able to carry over 5 for a total of 12 Days.
You must inform CPC, in writing, if you wish to have your maximum days carried over. You may do so prior to June 1 by going online at the CPCmysite and go to the “personal day carryover tool” for directions.
Between July 1 and July 14 you can go to CPCmysite to see exactly how many days you have and opt to carry some or up to 5 days to carryover. After July 14 no more options will be available.
If you have any questions or concerns please talk to your shop steward or call this office.
In Solidarity, Brother John Wastell