Convention 2023

Resolutions and Delegates for Regional Conference – November 2022

Brothers, Sisters and Cousins,

May 2023 our Union will be holding our National Convention in Toronto, Ontario.

At this Convention the elected delegates from across Canada will be debating resolutions that have been submitted from the eight(8) Regions across the country. These resolutions are submitted from the Locals of each Region to their respective Regional Conferences to be debated on and voted on to send to National to be presented at the National Convention.

The resolutions submitted deal with the issues surrounding the operation of and the policies of our Union as are stipulated in our National Constitution. Changes to our National Constitution can only occur thru this democratic process.

If you wish to submit a Resolution(s) with the intent to change something within our National Constitution I have attached the process to write a Resolution and an example of a Resolution for your review. Any member has the right to submit a Resolution(s) to their Local for consideration and to be voted on at a General Membership Meeting. Please ensure that the Resolution(s) is/are written properly, as outlined in the process attached, and submitted to the Local prior to the deadline.

Please ensure that your Resolution(s) deal specifically with the context of the operation of and the policies of our Union. Any resolutions that deal with Contract Demands of any kind will be rejected.

The National Constitution, in pdf form, is available on this website for your review/download.

The deadline for the submission of Resolutions to our Local is Tuesday August 30th, 2022 at noon.

The date of the General Membership Meeting to vote on the submitted Resolutions will be September 10, 2022.

If you have any questions with regards to Resolutions and the role, they play in this Democratic process please do not hesitate to contact the Local Union Office at 519-895-2655.

In Solidarity,
Executive of Local 560 CUPW