Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,
I know that there has been a lot of confusion and frustration with regards to the Vaccination Policy that came out last week from CPC. There are many questions that our members have but no answers are being given. At this time I can advise you that here at the Local Level we are still awaiting direction from the National Level as to what the Union’s position is on CPC’s Vaccination Policy. Many members have different positions with regards to not only the whole concept of vaccination but also Canada Post’s Policy on Vaccination. Since it was the Federal Government Mandate that forced the Vaccination Policy onto our members, thru Canada Post, it is not only Canada Post but the Federal Government who are in charge of its implementation.
Until such time as National makes their position known, we here at the Local Level are left in limbo.
There has been discussion with regards to members filing grievances against CPC’s policy. At this time members who are possibly ending up on LWOP, due to not wanting to be vaccinated or are refusing to do a attestation, can file fact sheets with regards to this action. I am attaching the link for those members who wish to do this. Here is the link:
While we await National’s position on the Vaccination Policy we will retain the fact sheets mentioned above. The actual grievances will not be filed until the National Union’s position is known. Please understand that grievances that are filed here at the Local Level can be denied by either the Regional Office or the National Office of CUPW after their review.
I am also attaching below a Question and Answer document from Canada Post with regards to the Mandatory Vaccination Practice. This document, as far as I know, was not consulted with CUPW. Answers to some of the questions that members have made be found in this document.
Brothers and Sisters, do I have all the answers to your questions about this Policy. No I do not. Many answers need to come from the National Office as this is a Canada Wide issue and not just a Local issue. I will continue to keep pressuring our National Director for more answers on a daily basis. National cannot leave the members of this Union in limbo, without answers, while Canada Post continues to move forward with this Policy.
If you wish to contact the National or Regional Offices with regards to your displeasure over the absence of information about the Unions position here are the phone numbers and email addresses, if available, for these offices.
National—Phone Number—-(613) 236-7238,
Regional—Phone Number—-(519)-659-0436
As more information becomes available it will be posted here, on our webiste, along with being posted on our Facebook page,
In Solidarity,
Steve Hinschberger, President, Local 560 CUPW
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