Election of Delegates to Regional Conference–October 2018

Brothers and Sisters,
In October we will be having a Regional Conference in London, Ontario to deal with resolutions submitted from Locals across the Ontario Region. These resolutions will deal with possibly changing sections of our National Constitution. The Conference delegates will debate and vote on the resolutions to send to the National Convention to be held in May 2019.
The Local is hereby accepting nominations for the Election of Delegates to this upcoming Conference.
Please review the attached bulletin for the requirement to stand for Election.
***To be able to stand for Election for the upcoming National Convention in May 2019 you MUST have been a delegate and attended this Regional Conference in London, Ontario.
If you have any questions with regards to this bulletin please do not hesitate to contact the Local Office at 519-895-2655.
In Solidarity,
Steve Hinschberger, President, Local 560 CUPW
[gview file=”https://www.cupw560.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Election-of-Delegates-to-Regional-Conference.pdf”]