Brothers and Sisters,
It has come to my attention that there may be members who have been hired permanently (Part-time or Full-time) in the past year or so who have never received the application forms from Canada Post to enroll in the Extended Health Care Plan and/or Basic Life Insurance Plan.
The Extended Health Care Plan is a voluntary plan. It seems that Canada Post has decided not to inform our members of this and in fact are not even mailing the enrollment forms out to the member to be able to enroll themselves and their family members. Instead it seems that Canada Post expects the members to know that they must go to the CPC site to download the forms to enroll.
One way to find out if you are covered thru the EHCP is to review your pay stub. If there is a deduction as is shown in the attached picture you are covered. If there is no such deduction then you are probably not enrolled.
I have included in a separate post both the enrollment forms for the Extended Health Care Plan and the Basic Life Insurance. These will need to be filled out and returned to ACCESSHR to enroll.
These forms can also be faxed to ACCESSHR.
If you have any questions with regards to these forms or how to fill them out please do not hesitate to contact me at the Union Office @ 519-895-2655.
In Solidarity,
Brother Steve Hinschberger