Flyer Overburdening in Kitchener Local 560

Brother’s and Sister’s.,

The local is aware of the high volume and overburdening of the recent flyer allocations as a result of the Metroland bankruptcy and once again have requested local consultation to resolve the current health and Safety concerns surrounding collating and delivery of these flyers.

It is also becoming more evident that the storage pre and post delivery of these flyers have also become a safety concern. The Region will be consulting with CPC also as this has effected all of Ontario. Listed below are relevant articles from the Collective agreement you can use as reference in both filing fact sheets and invoking your Rights.


Art. 15.08 – OT on own route (LC’s have the right to do their own OT)

Art. 33.13 – right to refuse (LC’s can refuse unsafe from exhaustion and overburdening)

App LL – letter carrier OT/overburdening, (requesting daily assistance)

App. K – problems with weights and mail (additional bundle boxes)

The Struggle Continues

In Solidarity

Mike Offord


CUPW Local 560