The following is a list of Liberal Members of Parliament who will be discussing and voting tonite on the Back to Work Legislation. I suggest that if you have a Twitter acct to tweet your respective MP ( or all of them ) and ask if they are willing to put their Political career in jeopardy by voting for this legislation. There is an election in 11 months and postal workers and the Labour movement DO NOT FORGET !!
Remind them that there are alot of unionized constituents in their ridings and this legislation will trample all over the Labour Movement. Are they willing to take the chance with their careers to be a pawn in their party or are the willing to stand up for the middle class and defeat this legislation!!
Liberal MP for Kitchener South Hespeler:
Marwan Tabbara
Liberal MP for Kitchener Centre
Raj Saini
Liberal MP for Waterloo
Bardish Chagger
Liberal MP for Cambridge
Bryan May