Update: Process for Claiming Vitamins for Children on the Special Needs Project

Tuesday June 18 2024
We have been communicating with the officer on the Canada Post Benefits Policy to clarify how members who have children on the Special Needs Project submit health benefits claims for their children’s prescribed vitamins.

Do you qualify?
If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible for 80% coverage for medically necessary vitamins for your child with special needs. As a CUPW member you may be eligible if:

You are part of the Special Needs Project, and
You are eligible for the Extended Health Care Benefits, and
Your child with special needs requires medically necessary vitamins.

What do you need to do?
Step 1. Get a prescription from your doctor for vitamin(s) that are medically necessary for your child with special needs. The prescription is for the pharmacist.

Step 2. Complete the Vitamin Benefit Form stating:

Full name of member (parent) and employee ID
Name of child with special needs who requires the vitamin(s)
The name of the vitamin(s), and
Drug Identification Number (DIN) or Natural Health Product (NPN). Only those vitamins that have a DIN or NPN on the bottle will be eligible.

Step 3. Send the completed “Vitamin Benefit Form” to the Special Needs Project office.

The process to register the vitamins could take a couple of weeks from the time you mail the form. Once the vitamin(s) is registered coverage will be automatic. Some claims might have to be submitted online or paper claim if the specific NPN or compound is not on the Telus system when the pharmacist fills the prescription.

Once the form has been received your file will be flagged so that when you fill a prescription for your child for vitamins, the computer will automatically identify that you are covered at 80% of cost.

If your child requires different vitamins, you will need to submit a new form. This includes the same vitamin made by a different company.

Members who have a child(ren) enrolled on the Special Needs Project will be receiving an up-dated “Vitamin Benefits Information” form in the near future.

In Solidarity,

Shellie Bird
Child Care Coordinator
Joanne Gomercich
Consultive Committee on Benefits